Sunday, July 26, 2020

Week of July 27

Here are the basics for the upcoming week.  We are just 3 weeks from the start of the season, so the focus of what the goals you want to accomplish this season should be in focus and the time to start putting in some harder work will be helpful to reach those goals.

One thing new to note is the need for a face mask at the beginning and end of workouts.  With the new executive order for masks indoors, even though we are outdoors, we are in close enough proximity to each other that we need everyone to please bring theirs to wear during warm ups, drills and at the end of practices. 

Monday - CR Dam
Tuesday - CRHS Track
Wednesday - Moor Park
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1
Friday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Workouts for the Week of July 20

Here are the workout locations for this week.  I will be out of town this week so the captains will be in charge of the workouts.  The weather is looking good for the morning runs,  but if it is questionable, then there won't be a practice that day so the captains don't have to make that decision.
Any questions, please let me know,

Monday: CR Dam
Tuesday: Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1
Wednesday: Pheasant Ridge Park (Off of 119th Ave between Northdale and Crooked Lake Blvd's)
Thursday: Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1
Friday: Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

No Practice Today, Tuesday 7/14

Due to the weather, we will not have practice this morning, Tuesday, July 14.  However, once the weather clears out, please get out and run the following workout to keep yourself moving towards the season:
3-4 miles at Level 2
Within the run, after 10 mins do 6 x 20 seconds at Level 4 (Race Pace) with 2 mins of Level 2 running in between each.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Week of July 13

Here are the locations for this weeks practices.  Weather looks like it will be much more doable this week, with only Tuesday as a possible da of rain.  We will pay attention to it and adjust if needed.  If we cancel a practice, please check out our page for the calendar of workouts.

Monday - CR Dam
Tuesday - Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1
Wednesday - Moor Park (10921  Magnolia St) (best way would be to go off of Northdale Blvd to Olive St, go south to 112th Ave and go east (left) and it will enter the park lot.
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1
Friday - Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1

Friday, July 10, 2020

Time Trial #2 Times

Here are the times from today's time trial, a 1.25 mile course that was more challenging than the last one we did.  Some positives, still things to work on though.
Ilsa 8:51
Zoe 9:23
Lilah 9:26
Ash 9:55
Sydney 10:05
Megan 11:31
Grace 13:26
Tara 13:30

Andre 7:06
Peyton 7:11
Cole 7:59
Joey 7:59
Caleb 10:09
Gilbert 10:17
Nico 11:58
Nate 10:31 (.8 miles)

Monday, July 6, 2020

We are Running today

The weather appears to be just a chance of rain this morning, so we will move forward with practice as planned. If things develop during practice then we will make the call at that time.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Workouts for the Week of July 6

Here is the basic plan for this week for locations.  We will still be at 8:00am, but due to the heat and possible weather, we will play each day by ear, not only if the weather allows us, but how all of the athletes are handling the heat/humidity.  Locations have changed for Tuesday and Wednesday to give the athletes some change but also allow for the workouts we are going to plan, so please plan accordingly
Monday - CR Dam Visitor Center
Tuesday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1
Wednesday - CRHS Track
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1
Friday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1