Saturday, September 12, 2020

Friday Results

Our Individual and a link to the Overall Results is posted on the right side of the blog.  

On a late afternoon/early evening it felt like an early October meet. With cooler temps and a little light rain, it made us as coaches finally feel like it was a regular season for us, and it appears as though the runners were starting to get that feeling as well, as times dramatically improved from our first meet and we were much more competitive throughout the race.  Despite Anoka not being able to run and not having as much competition, it was a big positive step forward for our runners and from those I was able to talk with after their races, they felt better.  One thing I look for in the runners is what they look like before, during and after the race, and yesterday I noticed not as many nerves, a positive energy with smiles, and a desire to do better!  We still have a lot of work to do, and with our possible shorter season we won't have as much time, but we are continuing to work on the plan and we will help the runners get to the best they can.

Congratulations to Andre who won for the second time in as many races!  He looked solid all the way through despite still getting used to having to be a front runner.  Close behind was Peyton who finished in 3rd just mere seconds from giving the team a 1,2 finish!  Ryan also made a big step and finish as our third runner with a 6th place finish.  Champlin Park's depth was able to beat us a team, but we were close and with the continued development of the team, we will keep bringing that closer.  The Boy's youth and depth is improving and they are learning to run better together.  If they can continue to work with each other and push one another, they will move up the ranks quickly!

On the Girl's side, Ilsa was able to gain her second in a row 2nd place finish!  Zoe moved up to 6th and Lilah to 8th, as the Girl's are starting to move towards the team they want to be.  It is a rebuilding stage for the Girl's, but they are working hard, having lots of fun, and are getting better every day.  Yesterday was a big example of their development with all of the Girl's improving by over a minute, and all of the younger ones improving by multiple minutes.  They are all still learning about running and about what they are capable of, so we are just starting to see what they maybe fully capable of! 

For those wondering why Anoka did not run last night, it was due to the fact that one of the members of their team did have symptoms similar to COVID 19 and thus was being tested, and since there was contact throughout their team, they all needed to be certain until test results come back in.  It is an item we as coaches were thinking about and knew there was a chance it could happen.  Without Anoka running, it will hopefully keep things localized if it is COVID 19.  But, please remember that if anyone is not feeling the best, please stay at home and take care of yourself.  If there are symptoms that match COVID, please let me know as well, for I will need to fill out a form for the school district to help with tracking.

Thanks to all of you that were able to make it out to the races last night.  Out next meet will be the first ever official meet at CRHS in Cross Country Running!!!  We are excited for this chance to be at home even if it is on the fields we are so used to.

Thanks, and if there are any questions, please let me know,

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