Sunday, August 31, 2014


Just a reminder that practice on Monday is at 7:00pm and will be at the Coon Rapids Dam.
Info for the rest of the week will be posted tomorrow,

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cardinal Cup, Team Time Trial

Congratulations to the White Team for winning tonight.  With a tie with the Black Team, I had to go to overall time, and it came down to a difference of 13 seconds. 
Results for tonight's Cardinal Cup, the 2 mile team time trial, are now posted on the right side of the page.  I have two different pages published, one with just times and team scores, the second one with times/pace/projected 5K time.
Many positives tonight, especially with the times.  After the race I went back out and remeasured the course and it came out to 2.02 miles.  Technology still could be off, but it was a definite positive when one looks at how close our 2-6 runners were, and the two other groups that were just as close.  Group running is so much easier than trying to do it by oneself, so if the boys can keep working within those groups, they should be able to help and push each other. But, we are not going to let what the projected times are get to our heads, because there is a difference between a 2 mile and a 5K.  But, there are things we can work on and improve, and we will continue to work on those areas.
If there are any questions, please let me know,

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thursday Time Trial

Reminder that the Team Time Trial, The Cardinal Cup, is on Thursday at Riverview Park, across the street from the National Little League fields on 105th Ave.  Runners should be there by 5:15, with the Parent Meeting being at 5:45 and the time trial starting at 6:00.  Below are the teams.  Make sure you wear a shirt of the color team you are on.
Paul Breitbach, Joe Thoen, Josiah Taylor, Reed Smith, Jacob Samit, Noah Crosbie, Darnell Apedoh, Usame Rashid
Kyle Mehrhof, Matt Dunn, Tanner Aust, David Wiser, Nick Jorgenson, Jack Jorgenson, Abdul Ali
Joe Coughlin, Nathan Mueggenberg, Tommy Kiecker, Alex Brovick, Tyler Reski, Branson Palzer, Cole Johnston
Any questions, please let me know,

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week of Aug 25

Here is a quick schedule for the week ahead:
Monday, practice at the high school at 3:15
Tuesday, practice at the high school at 3:00, locker and uniform hand out
Wednesday, practice at the CR Dam at 9:00am
Thursday, Team Time Trial at 6:00 at Riverview Park, across the street from the National Little League fields.  Parent meeting at 5:45
Friday, practice at 9:00am, Doughnut Run

There will be no practice on Saturday, and practice on Monday, Sep. 1 will be at 7:00pm, site to be determined.

If there are any questions, please let me know,

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Time Trial #1

Results from today's time trial are now posted.  They, and all of our team results throughout the year, will be posted on the right side of this page.  If you have any questions, please let me know,

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Week Ahead

Here a few things to be aware of as we begin the 2nd week of practice.
1. AM practices will be held on Mon-Thurs, starting at 8:00 am, with Monday's practice being at Bunker. A schedule has been sent out, but if you have not seen it, we will be at the CR Dam on Tues and Thurs morning, and at the High School on Wednesday.
2. PM practices will be at 7:00pm on Mon-Wednesday at the High School
3. Thursday morning is our first time trial, but this is during the AM practice, so this is more like a practice.  The Parent Meeting and Team Time Trial will be the following Thursday, one week later than in past years.  Runners will get lettering points for this though.
4. Running Camp is Friday and we are planning on leaving around noon.  We will be camping at Wm O'Brien State Park in Marine on St Croix, with a cost of $10, and a list of items to be bring will be sent home on Monday.  But, runners can still go and I would like to know as soon as possible this week so I can plan dinners accordingly.  Also, parents are welcomed to come along, plus we do still need a few to help with driving.  You can stay with us if you drive, but you don't have to if you are not wanting.
If you have any questions about any of this, please let me know or if you would like to come to camp with us.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Practice Starts Monday

A reminder that practice starts tomorrow, Monday, at 8:00am at the high school, Door 2. Please remember that you need to be signed up before you can practice.  We will be doing two a day practices Monday through Thursday, with evening practices at 7:00pm.  If you still need to sign up, you can online through the schools web page. Any questions, please let me know.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fall Sports Meeting

This is a message for all who are involved in a Fall Sport. Tomorrow, Wednesday, at 7:00pm is the All Sports Meeting, with individual sports meetings to follow.  The meeting at 7:00pm will be in the auditorium. If you have any questions, please let me know,