Thursday, June 29, 2017

Firecracker Water Stop Info

Below is the information that was sent to me for Sunday's water stops for the Firecracker 5K/10K.  This is a fundraiser for us, so please remember to wear something Coon Rapids CC or at least Coon Rapids.  Any questions, let me know,

Race Day Details:

Please arrive to the Coon Rapids Ice Center no later than 6:15 AM for briefing, supplies pick-up and a route map.

The ice center is located at 11000 Crooked Lake Blvd. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433.
Please check-in at the "Volunteer Check-In" tent upon arrival.
You will be volunteering until approximately 9:45 AM.

Location: You will be managing two 5k water stops.

1. Xavis and the Trail Crossing
2. 103rd and Hollywood
The water stop will have water and Gatorade. Groups managing the water stops will be asked to mix the Gatorade once they've gotten to the water stop and then prepare half of their table with water and half their table with Gatorade.
We ask one person from each of the two groups drive to a water stop with their group of volunteers. Please let us know if that's a problem. Each group can take their supplies after the morning briefing or we can have it delivered to the water stop. Tables and garbage cans will already be there. 

Also, please wear any Coon Rapids Cross County t-shirts or apparel you would like. We want to promote your group as well.
Post Race:
Once the 5 and 10k runners have all passed your water stations we ask that you clean-up your station and return to CRIC. Following the awards ceremony, donation checks for your group's help will be issued at the Registration Tent. If someone from your group is unable to stay, we can arrange a donation check pick-up or mail it to the designated person.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Blog Updates

There are a couple of new things that I have added to the blog in the past couple of days. I added a new article in the Health and Nutrition section on Sleep, which is one area that some athletes struggle with. I have also added a new page section that I will try and put new running quotes every day, or as many days as I can remember. Just a little inspiration for everyone.
Lastly, I added a new feature that will allow you to be notified by email or any new posts that I put up, so you don't have to check everyday, or however often you check, to see if there is something new. All you need to do is go down on the right side of the blog to the area that asks for your email. Once you have that completed, any time something is posted, you will get an email of that message/post. I am hoping this will make this blog be even more effective.
If you have any questions, let me know.

Today is a Go

So long as it is just raining, we will still have practice this morning. The only way we will not be outside is if there is lightning.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Firecracker 5K/10K Volunteers Needed

Sunday, July 2nd, is the the Coon Rapids Firecracker 5K/10K and we, the Cross Country Team, have been asked to work two of the water stops. We are needing a total of 6-12 runners to cover the two stops. I will have a sign up sheet at the training runs in the AM and PM. I will send out all of the final details when we get closer. For those that are wanting to race it, are more than welcomed to do that. Any questions, please let me know,

Monday, June 19, 2017

Deer Chase 5K Cross Country Family Fun Run

Help Spread the word on this event.  This is a Fundraiser for our teams!

Deer Chase 5K Cross Country Family Fun Run

 Saturday, July 15th, 2017

Bunker Hills Skijor Trails, Coon Rapids, MN

8:00-9:15am: Participant Check-In and Registration

9:30 am: 5K Family Run

* The event fee on Race Day is a $10 donation for all current and former runners of Coon Rapids Cross Country and their families.  We are not opening this up to the public.  This is a fundraiser for our programs.

Location/Course – Bunker Skijor Trails are located at the Bunker Dog Park near the Archery Facility on the west end of Bunker Hills Regional Park off of Hanson Blvd near Andover, 13285 Hanson Blvd, Coon Rapids.  The course is a 2.5K loop on a natural surface that is mainly grass with some areas of sand. 

Other Information –Participants of all ages welcome. You can run, walk, talk, and do as much or as little as you would like.  This is more about bringing back those that have been a part of our programs over the years and hope to build a strong community of runners for the support of the Coon Rapids High School Cross Country Running program, as well as getting the current members of the team ready for the upcoming season.


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Summer Training Update

Starting this week, Monday Training Runs will be at the CR Dam, same time, 9:30am.
With that, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday's will be at CRHS and Thursday at Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1.
Also, for those that are unable to make the morning training runs due to ride situation, work, or other issues, we will also start having Training Runs at 7:00pm as well. One of the coaches will be there, and the run for that day will be the same as the AM run.
If there are any questions, let me know.
Thanks and hope to see you out running!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Summer Training Begins Monday

This is a reminder that Summer Training begins tomorrow, Monday, June 12, at 9:30am. We will meet in front of the high school. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday we will be at the high school, Thursday we will be meeting in Parking Lot 1 of Bunker Golf Course. Any questions, let me know,