Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Banquet Reminder

A couple of reminders for the Banquet tomorrow evening.  We would like to start as close to 6:00 as possible, so please be there prior to 5:50 so we can have everyone settled and we can get going right away.  You will need to enter the school in the back of the building, Door 16 and then take a left.  

Lastly, for those that still have a part or all of their uniform out, please remember to bring tomorrow.  If any part is not turned in a fine will be assessed.

Thanks and any questions, please let me know,

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


We are going to have uniforms and locks turned in tomorrow (Wednesday) around 3:00 (after I get out of work).  Uniforms need to be clean and all parts assigned out need to be returned.  As for locks/lockers, Boys will need to have their lockers cleaned out and locks turned in and Girls need to clean out and return their locks as well unless they are planning to be in Nordic Skiing, in which case they can hold onto their lockers/locks.

Any questions, please let me know,