Information about the CRHS CC Running team (Gr 7-12) is found here. If you are new to our program, check out the information in the pull downs of the blog for more information about who we are. The posts will be about what is currently happening. For those that are considering joining our teams, our summer training is a great place to see what the sport is all about. No cost or full commitment to the team. All we ask is to give it an honest try to see if this is the sport and team for you.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Workouts and Info for the Week of June 28
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Workouts for the week of June 21st
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Coon Rapids Firecracker 5K
We are 2 and a half weeks away from the Coon Rapids Firecracker 5K. We will once again be in charge of two water stops, so we are needing three to four people to help at each water station. Please let me know if you are able to help. We will be paid to do this, so it is important that we have volunteers for it. Please note, we do not put this event on, we are just helping and are able to use it as a small fundraiser by taking care of the water stops.
HOKA One Summer Mile Club
HOKA ONE, a running shoe company, has done a lot in the past years to really reach out to all runners, especially high school runners, and one that is gaining excitement is their Summer Mile Club. It is an opportunity for athletes to keep track of their mileage and to have a little fun doing it. HOKA ONE will give out prizes for different mileage points and they usually keep track of how everyone is doing that is apart of the program. This is not a mandatory program we want our runners to do, but one that can heighten interest and make the summer training a little more fun.
Here is a link to all of the information and how to sign up, but do know that an AthleticNET account will be needed, which is also helpful for recruiting for colleges.
Any questions, let me know,
Sunday, June 13, 2021
First Week of Summer Training, June 14th
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Summer Training
As we get ready for the end of the school year and the start of the summer, we also start to get ready for summer training for the upcoming Cross Country Season. We will be starting summer practices on Monday, June 14th at 8:30am, meeting at Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1. We know not everyone can make those times, and we will see if there will be enough interest to hold an evening option as well. But, if someone is not able to make those practices, we can still get them the workouts so that they will be preparing themselves as well.
Next Sunday, June 13th, I will post the locations for all of the practices for the week and will continue to post when and where practices will be on the Sunday of the week we are about to start. But, do note that all Monday and Thursday practices will be at Bunker, and Tuesday and Friday practices will generally be at the high school, meeting on the west end of the Tennis Courts. Wednesday will vary locations.
Lastly, I have a current season schedule now posted as well on the right side of the blog. Due to the popularity of campsites currently, I have not been able to pin down a location for our annual Running Camp camping trip. With that, I will keep looking for a location that will keep prices low, be challenging for the runners, but also fun. If I am unable to find a good spot, we will still have something, but it will probably be two days of day trips.
Thanks, and if there are any questions, or you know someone new that is wanting to join and has questions, please let me know,