Yesterday was a day that the current program needed, to show the work that they have been putting in and to know that they can come back from tough meets/days, and by just continuing to believe in the work that they are putting in and staying positive, good days will come along as well, and often times more than the rough days. It wasn't a perfect day for us, but one that we can look at as a possible turning point and to give us a step forward that we will need to build off of and be willing and prepared to take another step this upcoming week.
We had two race winners in the 6 races run. Congrats to first time race winners Emmy in the Girls Middle School/C Race, and Albi in the Boys JV, both making decisive moves in their races to give them the wins. We also had a few other top 5 finishers. Hannah made her own power move on the hill to take over 3rd, also in the Middle School Race, while Kendall had one of her best races to finish in 3rd in the Girls JV Race. Peyton took 4th in the Boys Varsity race against the top team in Class AA in the State, while a trio of Varsity Girls finished less than 2 seconds apart, with Stella 4th, Ella 5th, and Ruby 6th!!
On the Team side, it was where some of the biggest positives came into play. The runners really worked well together and supported one another, and it helped with solid team placings. Both the Boys and Girls Varsity finished in 2nd out of the 5 teams competing, with the Boys falling to Big Lake (#1 rated team in AA in Minnesota) and the Girls just 10 points off of Centennial, a team that is always solid. The Girls Middle School/C runners finished in 2nd as well, as the JV Boys were in a tight battle and ended up in 3rd place. The Boys Middle School/C Race showed some of the biggest improvements on the team and finished a solid 4th, while the Girls JV were an incomplete team with only 4 Girls running, but if only 4 runners were counted, they would have been in 2nd as well.
So, a good day, a sort of redemption for the Cambridge Invite from last year, proving to the team that they can do well on that course, but also for last week, and showing the team that we are a better team and that we can push past rough days, and to do so the following race! No, it wasn't the perfect day, there were those that wished they could have done better, and I am positive they will, because this is a determined group of individuals that I hope are starting to see what they can do and to continue to trust the work they are putting in!!
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