As we get ready for the end of the school year, we start to prep ourselves for summer training and getting ready for the 2024 CC Season.
We will be starting our summer training on June 3rd (We can work with the athletes from June 1st-July 31st, minus a week over the 4th of July), and we will be going at 3:15 Monday-Thursday that week so that anyone that is a Middle Schooler and interested in either joining or ready for their summer training. Friday the 7th, we will discuss with those that are able to be there to see what time works best. Starting June 10th, we will be having our practice time be at 8:00am, to beat any heat, Monday through Friday. Locations for practices for the upcoming week will be posted a couple of days before the beginning of the week.
One item that will need to be looked at for each athlete individually is when to begin their training. If someone is still competing in an activity at the time we begin practices, we want them to focus on that. If it is an activity, like Track, that just finished the week before, we want those runners to take some time off, at least a week, if not two, before they join us for practices. The first week of practice is for those that were not in a spring activity or have been done for at least a week. Rest and recovery from previous activities is just as important as building up mileage. If there is anyone that is not sure what they should do, please contact me and we can discuss what should be done.
The last item is our Summer Camp. Camp will be July 22-24 at Saint Mary's University in Winona, MN. This year, we are doing something new and we are inviting the whole team for this camp. But, we know that some may not be able to attend due to other things, and a final list of who will be going will be posted after July 1st. The runners will also need to be filling out their running journals that I gave to them (I will get them to those who have not received them yet) in order to go to camp as well. The cost has not been finalized yet, but once I get all final details, I will pass along what it will be. Do note, though, that this will be around $300, which will include meals, lodging, and transportation. If cost is an issue, please let me know and we can come up with a plan.
Thanks and enjoy the rest of the school year!