Thursday, August 29, 2019

District 11 Results

Our individual results for today's District 11 Meet are now posted on the right side of the blog under Results.  You will also be able to find the overall meet results at the top of the results as well.  The Boy's results will pop up first, but on the top right of the page you can switch to the Girls results.

Today was a positive first step in our meet schedule.  The Boy's started the team off with 3 boys in the top 7, lead by Mike Smith in 4th, Reed Smith in 6th and Peyton Martinek in 7th.  The Girl's were lead by Ilsa Hoaglund with a solid 10th place finish, followed by the 14th place finish of Sarah Eichstadt.

We know that not everyone had the race that they were wanting, but it is the first race of the season and now is the time to miss on a couple of things.  We were also a couple of guys short due to classes, which could have put the Boy's into first as a team, but they started the season in 3rd with 8 points separating the top 4 teams.  We were also not 100% on the Girl's side, so we looked at the small steps we have taken as an overall team and what we can work on as we move onto the next race.  We really want to focus on the positives that everyone had today but also we are wanting the runners to think about some areas that they want to work on or felt they could do better with.  As we go into our next race, we are hoping to have learned and become stronger based on the areas that everyone feel they need to improve on.

Next up will be the Bauman/Rovn at Gail Woods next Thursday.  Before then, we will have practice on Friday at 8:00am at the High School and then we won't meet up again until 6:30pm on Monday evening at Moor Park.  Once school starts will be meeting most days at the High School at 3:15 so the middle school runners on the team have time to get over to practice.

Any questions, please let me know,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Thursday's Race

Reminder that tomorrow is the first meet of the season. We will be running at Anoka High School on the section course. Bus leaves at 7:15 from the front of the school with the boys running at 8:30 and the girls at 9:10.  You will also be able to get results as soon as individuals are finishing their races through Gopher State Results.  Below is a message that the timing system sent to us that may also be of interest to you, especially if you are unable to make the races.
Any questions, let me know,


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Pasta Party Schedule

The Pasta Party Schedule for this year is now posted on the right side of the blog.  If you are interested in hosting, please let me know and I will put your name on the list.  If you are new and interested but are unsure what it would take, also let me know and I can hook you up with a parent that has done one in the past.
Any questions, please let me know,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday Practice

With the heavy rain we are getting today and what is being predicted, we will still be having practice at 3:15 but we will be inside the whole time.  We will meet downstairs near the locker room area and will be doing all of our workout inside.
Any questions, let me know,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Schedule for the week of Aug 26

Here is the rough time schedule for the practices this week.  Any questions, please let me know.

Monday - 3:15 @ CRHS
Tuesday - 3:00 @ CRHS
Wednesday - 3:00 @ CRHS
Thursday - District 11 Meet @ Anoka High School, bus leaves at 7:15, first race at 8:30
Friday - 8:00am @CRHS
Monday, Sep. 2 - 6:30pm @ location tbd

Also, thank you to the parents that came with and helped out at camp this weekend, especially with cooking of dinners and transporting the runners, Vicki, Dan, and Mark. Also thanks to the Lowe’s for the use of their trailer to transport all of the food and gear and the other families for donating your time to help drive the runners to and from camp!  Without your time and help, camp doesn't happen!


Saturday, August 24, 2019

Camp Trip Home

Good Evening from the woods at Willow River! I am wanting let everyone know that we will be heading home tomorrow, Sunday, at 11:00am, which means we should be back around 11:50-12:00.

For those that are coming out to drive the runners and gear home, if you could be at the camp ground by 10:30, we would appreciate it.

Thanks and any questions, let me know.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cardinal Cup Results

Results from tonight's Cardinal Cup Time Trial are now posted on the right side of the blog. 

Thanks for all that were able to make it tonight and to support the runners.  There were some big positives, especially with a little more challenging course, but still a lot of room for improvements. We are hoping that we are preparing ourselves for a positive for race next Thursday, but until then we will keep putting in our time and get everyone ready.


Time Trial

Reminder that the Team Time Trial, The Cardinal Cup, is Today, Thursday, at Riverview Park, across the street from the National Little League fields on 2420 105th Avenue.  Runners should be there by 5:15, with the Parent Meeting being at 5:45 and the time trial starting at 6:00.
The runners will be on separate teams, and will wear either Red, White, or Black depending on the team they will be on.  It makes it a little more fun and competitive this way.  Below are the teams that they will be on as well.
If you have any questions, please let me know,

DennisNico TAlec
AaronBen HRicky
Ben JAlexJennings
JiahongNico CEvan

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Need drivers for Canp

We had a handful kids let us know that they can go to camp today, so we are in need of a couple of drivers for on the way out back that are parents. We are leaving at 10:00am on Friday and heading back for home on Sunday around noon. We are still good on chaperones, but a couple of drivers will be needed. If you can, let me know and how many you can take.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Running Camp Info

Running Camp Information Aug. 23-25

Running camp is this week and we felt we should make sure everyone received the information last week (Handout to the Runners).
We will be heading to Willow River State Park, near Hudson, WI, on Friday, August 23 around 10:00am and it will be a cost of $10. 
  The drive will be around 45 min, depending on traffic.  Cell phone coverage should be decent out there.
Some items that should be brought with include:
-         A towel, bathroom items
-         Sleeping Bag/Pillow
-         Tent (We will share tents, this will need to be set up soon so we know who is to bring one)
-         Bug Spray, Sun Screen
-         Stuff for swimming (no lake or beach, but there are waterfalls that they can cool off in)
-         A pair of warm up pants or jeans for at night
-         A sweatshirt or jacket
-         Clothes to run in, including shoes. 
-         For food, dinner will be covered. 
-         The runners should bring items for breakfast, lunch and snacking as well as beverages (to cut down on garbage, think of bringing a water bottle and mix packets, not cases of bottles) for all meals. 
-         Other items that can be taken with include games, music, and a water bottle or two. 
-         Please remind your athlete that we are only going for 2 nights, 3 days, so a ton of stuff is not needed, think about sharing coolers with other runners.
We will be leaving camp around 12:00 on Sunday the 25th and should be arriving back at the high school around 1:00.

Any questions, please let me know.  Thanks, Denny

Meet Time Change, 8/29/2019

We have been notified that the start time for our first meet at Anoka next Thursday, 8/29, has been changed to a morning meet.  The Boys will be racing at 8:30 with the Girls at 9:10.

I will put out more information about the meet once it becomes available and a day or two before the meet.

Any questions, please let me know,

Wednesday Morning Practice

Wanting to make sure everyone is aware because I mentioned the wrong location at practice this morning, but the Boys will be practicing at the CR Dam Wednesday morning.

Also, we are not having an evening practice tonight.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Week of Aug 19

Here is the time/location schedule for practices for next week.  Please note that if there are any boys or girls that will not be going to camp on Friday, that they will be expected to be at the 8:00am practice that day.
On the schedules being sent home there is more in-depth information about the weekend.  More info on camp and the time trial will also be put out later this week.
Any questions, please let me know,

8:00am Boys; 9:00am Girls at Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1
6:00pm Girls;7:00pm Boys at CRHS
8:00am at CR Dam
8:00am Boys at CR Dam; 8:00am Girls at Anoka-Ramsey CC (Bike and Run)
6:00pm Girls; 7:00pm Boys at CRHS
8:00am at CRHS
5:15pm at Riverview Park for Team Time Trial (starts at 6:00pm, parent meeting at 5:45)
8:00am Any girls or boys not going to Camp at Pheasant Ridge Park
9:45am, those going to camp for loading up
10:00ish am, head for camp, Willow River State Park, WI

Sunday, August 11, 2019

First Week of Practice

Here are the times and locations for the first week of practice.  I will be giving out a more detailed schedule as well as other information to the runners after the first practice tomorrow.  If you have any questions, please let me know,

Monday, Aug 12
All - 8:00am, CR Dam Visitor Center
Girls - 6:00pm, CRHS
Boys - 7:00pm, CRHS

Tuesday, Aug 13
All - 8:00am, Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1
PM - No Practice (was just told there are primaries on this evening, so we cannot have practice)

Wednesday, Aug 14
Girls - 8:00am, CR Dam Visitor Center
Boys - 9:00am, CR Dam Visitor Center
Girls - 6:00pm, CRHS
Boys - 7:00pm, CRHS

Thursday, Aug 15
Girls - 8:00am, Moor Park (10921  Magnolia St) (best way would be to go off of Northdale Blvd to Olive St, go south to 112th Ave and go east and it will enter the park lot.
Boys - 9:00am, Moor Park
Girls - 6:00pm, CRHS
Boys - 7:00pm, CRHS

Friday, Aug 16
All - 8:00am, CR Dam Visitor Center

Saturday, August 10, 2019

2 Days Until the Season Begins

We are 2 days away from the beginning of the 2019 Cross Country season.  We will be Starting at 8:00am on Monday at the CR Dam Visitor Center, so please be there by 7:50 so we can start on time.  Also, please make sure all paperwork is in so that everyone is able to practice and not miss any time getting ready for the meets.  We cannot allow anyone to participate in practices until all registration is taken care of, so please work on that now.

Second, for any parent that is wanting to chaperone with us at our Running Camp Aug 23-25, please make sure you fill out the information needed to be a volunteer.  You can get that info here:

 Please let me know as well if you will be coming with as well so I have accurate numbers of who will be coming with us. Any other questions, please let me know,

Monday, August 5, 2019

Beginning of the Season Info

We are just a few days away from the start of the 2019 season!  If you have not already, PLEASE sign up!  If you are not signed up by the time practice starts on Monday, you are NOT allowed to practice until you get signed up!  It is a safety issue, and if someone is to come run at practice and they are not signed up and something happens to them, it becomes a much bigger issue.  So please get signed up.  It can be done online through the lock and key icon on the district or school web pages.  It cannot be through a students lock and key though, only the parents.  If need be, you can still sign up the paper way, just print off the paper work on the web page or pick them up at the Activities Office at the High School.

2019 Coon Rapids Boys and Girls Cross Country
Important Items to Start the Season:

1.      Cost for Running is $250 (You can get to where to sign up here: Registration)

2.      Practice begins on Aug. 12
a.       Morning Practice at 8:00am
b.      Evening Practice: Girls at 6:00pm, Boys at 7:00pm

3.      Once school starts, practice will be at 3:15, to accommodate those that are in middle school, meeting in front of the High School

4.      Parent Meeting/Team Time Trial: Aug 22, 5:45pm, Riverview Park, across for the National Little League Park.

5.      Running Camp: Willow River State Park, near Hudson, WI, Aug 23-25.
a.       Cost is $10/person
b.      clothes, shoes, food needed
c.      Parents are welcomed and needed, especially for transportation
d.      Need to know who is going by Friday, Aug. 17 and more info to come once the season starts.

6.      First meet will be on August 29, the District 11 Meet at Anoka High School at 3:00pm (may get moved to the morning if the weather looks to be too hot)

7.      Fundraising
a.       Some Fundraising was done during the summer with water stops of the Firecracker Run over the 4th of July weekend.
b.      For those who were unable to attend or were not apart of the team at the time we would like you to donate $15 to help with the costs that occur during the season (Meets, uniforms)
                                                              i.      This way everyone feels apart of the fundraising

8.      Attendance
a.       If an athlete is absent, a note signed by a parent, teacher, or doctor is needed in order for it to be an excused absence.
                                                              i.      1st unexcused – miss next meet
                                                           ii.      2nd unexcused – miss next two meets
                                                         iii.      3rd unexcused – miss rest of meets, but can still run workouts and be a manager.

9.      Blog Spot: More information will be posted on our blog spot, including upcoming events, practice times/locations, meet schedule, results and records and any changes that may occur throughout the season. You will also be able to sign up to be notified when there are new posts. Just look on the right side of the blog.

Next, here is the schedule for practices for the first week.  We will be doing 2 practices on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday  We know that it is still summer, but we are wanting to get things done and it is easier to do if we break up the practices. 
Any questions, let me know:

Monday AM: 8:00 at CR Dam Visitor Center; PM: Girls at 6:00, Boys at 7:00 at CRHS
Tuesday AM: 8:00 at Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1; PM: Girls at 6:00, Boys at 7:00 at CRHS
Wednesday AM: Girls at 8:00, Boys at 9:00 at CR Dam Visitor Center; PM: Girls at 6:00, Boys at 7:00 at CRHS
Thursday AM: Girls at 8:00, Boys at 9:00 at Moor Park; PM: Girls at 6:00, Boys at 7:00 at CRHS
Friday AM: 8:00 at CR Dam Visitor Center
