Sunday, June 26, 2022

Week of June 27

Below is the locations for this weeks practices.  Times will stay the same, 8:00am.  Expect most practices to be done by 9:15.  
Monday - CR Dam Visitor Center
Tuesday - CRHS Tennis Courts
Wednesday - CRHS Tennis Courts (Run to Thorpe Park for workout)
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1
Friday - CRHS Tennis Courts
If you have any questions, please let me know,

Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday Practice

Looking like just rain for the next little bit, so we are still planning practice this morning, Friday, June 24.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Week of June 20th

Here are the locations for this weeks practices.  Note that the track at the high school is under construction, as well as the fields behind the school, so we may need to meet in front of the school (Door 3, old main entrance), but we will initially plan to meet in the trees by the Tennis Courts. Also, please make sure to have plenty of water with the warmer temps, but we will be paying attention to the heat and will adjust any practices if it appears to be too hot for what we plan to do:
Monday - CRHS 
Tuesday - CRHS
Wednesday - North side of Riverview Park: 2420 105th Ave NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (where we run our Time Trial)
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1
Friday - CRHS

Lastly, on July 4th, as a part of the Coon Rapids 4th of July Community Celebration, is the Firecracker 5K, and we will be in charge of the two water stops along the race.  We will need about 6-8 volunteers to run the two stops, 3-4 at each.  If you would like to help, please let me know.  We are going to suggest to our runners to participate in the race if they are around, to see where they are at.  

Thanks and any questions, please let me know,

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Monday Weather - Cancelled

There was just lightening, so have to cancel. Sorry for the delay, all the lightening was down south until just now

First Week of Summer Training

Below are the basics for the first week of our summer training.  Please note that at this moment we will only be having a morning session (8:00am), but if there is enough interest for our athletes to have an evening session due to not being able to make the morning, we will set up a session at 7:00pm.  If you are one that knows you cannot make the morning sessions, then please let me know.

Practices this week are going to be very low key, focusing on low and slow mileage and working together, thus with warm-ups, stretching, the workout, and any additional items we will do after the run, we should be done a little after 9:15.  

Make sure athletes bring water, and if possible bring a water bottle they can run with (this is an example: Water Bottle Example).  Food will be important as well, so please check out the right side of the blog under Health and Nutrition to get ideas for Breakfast, which is very important to have before workouts.  We will continue to put items in this section of the blog and discuss them with the runners, but please check through them if you are a parent as well.  Any questions, please let me know,

Schedule for the Week:  All practices at 8:00am
Monday -  CRHS, meet in the wooded area on the west end of the Tennis Courts across Northdale Blvd from the high school.
Tuesday - CRHS
Wednesday - CRHS
Thursday - Bunker, Golf Course Parking Lot 1
Friday - CRHS

Thanks and any questions, please let me know,

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Summer Training Information

We are one week away from the start of our Summer Training sessions.  Please remember that these are not mandatory, but are a great way to be ready for the start of the season, to be with and even meet new teammates, as well as build yourself up for the goals you have, not only in running, but in all of your activities!

We will run Monday through Friday, starting at 8:00am.  This is different from what was originally sent out, but it will make the transition into the start of the season in August a little easier.  Monday - Wednesday and Friday we will meet on the West end of the Tennis Courts at the High School and Thursday we will meet at Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1.  Once the summer gets going we will change up some of the locations on days.

Lastly, we are offering a Summer Training trip much like our Colorado trips a few years back for our top runners. It will be a smaller camp closer to home this year, to get the runners used to what we want them to do on these trips as well as help build them up since so many of them are younger (not ready for the altitude), and then the plan is to go back to Colorado next summer. We discussed this with the runners at our Spring meeting a few weeks back.  It will be on July 26-28 on the Northshore, staying at Lutsen Mt.  More information will be sent out to those invited within the week, but here is a list of those that we are inviting and the time standards that we used to figure these invitations, as well as the time standards for the current Track season we used to come up with our invites. (please let us know if you are unable to attend so we can possibly fill your spot with another member of the team)

Boys Standard Times:
5K - 19:30 (2021 Cross Country Season)
2022 Track Season Times
800 - 2:08
Mile - 5:10
2 Mile - 11:00

Peyton Martinek
Aaron Casey
Kjell Norquist
Cole Burnett
Nolan Hazelwood
Albi Ludwig
Collin McCullough
Lachlan Demmer

Girls Standard Times:
5K - 23:30 (2021 Cross Country Season)
2022 Track Season Times
800 - 2:40
Mile - 6:00
2 Mile - 13:30

Ruby Demmer
Stella Bone
Lily McKenzie
Ella LaGree
Megan Fuller
Grace Berndt (Track: Mile and 2 Mile)
Anna Winter (Captain Invite)
We will be looking for a few chaperones as well, but we will ask for those when we send out the information.
Thanks and if there are any questions, please let me know,