Sunday, July 30, 2023

Two Weeks Until the Season Starts

We are two weeks from the start of the season and as we enter August on Tuesday, we as Coaches cannot have contact with the runners until the season starts on Monday, August 14.  I will put out detailed information on the start of the season as we approach the beginning, but, so everyone is aware now, we will be meeting at 8:00am at the CR Dam on the first day.  

Before that though, please make sure all runners are registered before they come to the first day of practice.  Registration is open (please see the earlier post on Registering), so please try to get this done sooner than later in case there is any issues with the system.  Also, make sure all physicals are up to date and if a new one is needed to get that done asap as well.

As for this weeks practice, after Monday of this week, the next two weeks the Captains will be organizing practices, so please look for information from them as to where and when practices will be held.  Monday's practice, though, we will be meeting at 8:00am at the CR Dam.

Thanks, and if there are any questions, please let me know,

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Week of July 24

Below is our schedule for the week of July 24.  One major area of concern is the air quality on Monday, but another are the temps, especially by mid week being in the mid to upper 90's.  Please be paying attention to how you are feeling, don't push, and stay hydrated.  

So, with that, practice on Monday is on your own.  Please pay attention to the air quality. It is supposed to be better after 6pm, but it also could be warmer.  

As for the rest of the week, here is the location schedule:
Tuesday at CRHS
Wednesday at CRHS
Thursday at Bunker Golf Course, Parking Lot 1
Friday at CRHS

For those that are not able to make it to practices and don't remember what a workout is, here is a link to the summer workouts.  We are currently on Week 7:

If there are any questions, please let me know,

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Week of July 17

Below is the location schedule for practices this week. Please note that Monday is when registration opens.  Please look at the post prior to this one for information on registration.   Also, we are a month until the start of the season.  If there are friends or individuals you know who are wanting to run, or even teammates that haven’t been to many practices so far, get them to start coming to practices as well.

Monday - CR Dam
Tuesday - CRHS
Wednesday - CRIC parking lot (Coon Rapids Ice Center)
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course Lot 1
Friday - CRHS

Any questions, please let me know,

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Registration Opens on Monday, July 17

Registration for the upcoming season will be opening on this Monday, July 17th. All of the details are below: (*Note from the AD Secretary:  "We are already running into some system issues.... The issues should only affect incoming 9th graders as schoolpay still has them listed as 8th graders which for sports that are 9-12 only this will make it so they cannot register. The district is aware and trying to get this solved before Monday.") 

Coaches & Advisors fall sports and activities registration will open on July 17th. Reminder that all athletes and participants must be registered before they can participate in the official season. Coaches please encourage your athletes to check their physical now and apply for free/reduced lunch status to ensure no delays. If any students are struggling with registration or payments please have them email me. Email is the easiest and quickest way for parents and students to get their questions answered. Thank you!



                    1.Login to AHConnect (Guardian Login)

2. Click on the My Student Info Icon

3.Click the Fees Tab

4.Click Pay for Meals/Activities

5. Click view items next to Coon Rapids High School Athletics & Activities

6. Add the sport/activity you are signing up for to your cart

7.Checkout & Pay

*If you do not see any sports listed then the school needs a new sports physical for the the Athlete

Important Information


  • Registration is online. You can register online with a computer or phone!

  • The ParentVue app is available and able to be used for registration

  • If you don’t have a computer the Activities Office will provide one for you.

  • Free and Reduced lunch are two different things. Free lunch=Free activities; Reduced lunch=activity price cut in half. The prices will appear to be the full amount until you put the item in your cart.

  • Please register early to avoid delaying student’s participation.

  • To register, every student needs to have an up to date sports physical. If the student’s physical is going to expire during the season you won’t be able to register. Bring physicals to the Activities Office or email them to When the office receives the physical you will be able to register online.

  • If you need payment help contact Ms.Lacy in the Activities Office

Technical Assistance: 763-506-4357

Activities Office: 763-506-7307

Helpline/Login Info: 763-506-4357

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Week of July 10

Below is the location schedule for practices this week. Please note that Monday runs are going to start taking longer because of the increase in miles, so those practices will be around an hour and a half to a little longer. Also, we are just about a month until the start of the season, so an increase in mileage, intensity and faster paces are going to be more important if improvements on the season are desired. If there are friends or individuals you know are wanting to run, or even teammates that haven’t been to many practices so far, get them to start coming to practices as well.

Monday - CR Dam
Tuesday - CRHS
Wednesday - CRIC parking lot (Coon Rapids Ice Center)
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course Lot 1
Friday - CRHS

Any questions, please let me know,

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Firecracker Thanks, Team Time Trial Invite to Alumni

Thank you to all of those that came to help with the water stops at today's Coon Rapids Firecracker 5K!! This has been a great way for us to support the community and be able to cheer on those that are competing!!  To go with that, congrats to those that are currently apart of the team, alumni and family members of past and present runners who participated in the race itself!  It is always great to see everyone out still being active and supporting our community!!

Speaking of Alumni, we would like to invite all alumni to compete in our annual team time trial, which will be held this year on Thursday, August 24th.  This is something new that we would like to do to try and have a better connection to the past and for the alumni to see what this years runners have been doing.  The time trial will be a 2 mile event held at Riverview Park on the north side of 105th Ave NW.  The current girls team will be starting at 6:00pm and the current boys will be at about 6:30ish.  If you would like to participate, whether you were on the very first team, just graduated, or anywhere in between, please fill out this form: 

If you have questions, please let me know and we hope this can be a great way to grow not only our team but also running in itself.


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Week of July 3rd - Captain Updated

Due to a Minnesota State High School League rule, we as coaches are not allowed to be at any practices this week, but he captains will be putting something together for those that will be in town.  

Per the Captains,
Practice locations for the week:
Monday - CR Dam
Tuesday - No organized practice/run. Going to the Firecracker to either race or support those that are
Wednesday - CRHS Tennis Court Lot
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course Lot 1
Friday - CRHS Tennis Court Lot

Also remember that Tuesday is the CR Firecracker 5K at the CRIC starting at 8:00am.  If there are any questions, please let me know,
