Friday, May 29, 2020

Summer Training Can Start June 15

Below is some information that was shared with all of coaches today in regards to summer training and contact period with coaches.  We are not able to have any scheduled practices until June 15th as of right now, which may change at any minute, and how we interface and interact with the athletes will need to be altered as well.  Captains can however put together workouts, so pay attention for those.  They have been informed that they need to be in groups of 10 or less and the basic social distancing requirement.

Once we are able to start getting together as a team, we will have to be in "pods" of no more than 10 athletes and they all need to remain the social distancing requirements apart within their "pod."  Once someone is in a particular "pod" they will not be able to switch to a different one.  I cannot tell you what those "pods" are going to look like right now because we are not sure what the numbers over the summer month will look like.  I personally am going to call them Groups and they will most likely be based on performance abilities.

Any questions, please let me know and I will be putting out updates as they happen,

Here is the information we were sent though:

The following information is the result of many meetings discussing MSHSL, MDH, CDC, etc. rules and recommendations.
Here are the parameters agreed to by the ADs of AH at this time.
June 1st - June 14th:
  • Coaches can only have virtual contact with athletes that would promote leadership, build relationships and share workouts.  No assessment or evaluations are allowed.
June 15th - July 2nd:  
  • Coaches can meet in person with athletes for training provided all current recommendations/requirements of CDC, MDH, etc. are followed.
  • In all cases, social distancing must be maintained and workouts must be structured so that no physical contact can occur.
  • Adhere to facility or field-specific guidelines for COVID-19.
July 6th - August 7th:
  • To be re-evaluated based on recommendations as we approach the No Contact Period of MSHSL Summer Waiver Period.

You must obtain parental permission for any of the athletes participating in workouts with you after the June 15th date.

And lastly, here is a link to a DRAFT Document where we have attempted to summarize what some of this looks like per sport as of June 15.
You will notice that the Location setting for most of these at this time is Outside because currently, there are no plans to open AH Indoor Facilities for access prior to July 6.