Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week Ahead

First, thanks to the parents that helped with our weekend camping adventure, including those that drove and dropped off and picked up our runners! The rain made for an interesting couple of days running, but we were able to get in some good quality workouts, and the runners had a lot of time to do some team bonding!
Second, the team store will be closing tonight for any of your apparel needs.
Third, we are roughly half way through our fundraiser, so please keep spreading and re-sharing the information out to as many as you can.  We are currently sitting just over $2600, so we are doing very well, but could still do better.  Thanks for all of your help with this!!
Finally, here is our schedule for the rest of the week,
Practice for Monday, August 28, will be at 3:15, meeting at the front of the high school.
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:00, meeting at the high school. Wednesday we will be getting uniforms at 3:00 for the Boys, and I am still working on a time for the Girls, hopefully the same day.
Thursday is our first meet at Anoka High School. We will be leaving at 8:45 with the first race, the boys, at 10:00, then the girls at 10:40ish.
Friday we will have practice at 8:00am at the high school. There will not be any practice over the weekend. We will then get back together on Monday at 6:30pm, meeting at the CR Dam.
If there are any questions, let me know,

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